Home Health Tips 20 High Protein Breakfasts Will Help You To Lose Weight

20 High Protein Breakfasts Will Help You To Lose Weight

20 High Protein Breakfasts Will Help You To Lose Weight
high protein breakfast recipes

20+ High Protein Breakfasts Will Help You To Lose Weight

Eat breakfast. Eat protein. If you’re trying to lose weight, those are two tips you shouldn’t ignore. And, if you combine them by starting each day with a high-protein breakfast, well, you’re pretty much unstoppable.

“Eating at least 30 grams of protein at breakfast can help you feel satisfied and less hungry later in the day,” explains Amy Goodson, RD, a registered dietitian and nutrition consultant based in Dallas, Texas. “This is great for women looking to lose weight.” The trick, she says, is that protein takes longer to digest than traditional carbohydrate-heavy breakfast foods like cereal or muffins. And the longer it takes to digest, the less hungry you’ll feel and the more likely you’ll be to stick to your healthy eating goals.

For example, in one recent study, people who started their days with between 30 to 39 grams of protein ended up eating 175 fewer calories at lunchtime. In another Nutrition Metabolism study, dieters who increased their protein intake so that they were getting 30 percent of their daily calories from protein lost about 11 pounds in 12 weeks.

Still, if you’ve ever tried following a high-protein diet, you know that upping your protein intake isn’t always easy…especially if you don’t have your recipe arsenal stocked with high-protein breakfast ideas.

1. Blueberry Protein Oatmeal

Blueberry Protein Oatmeal
Blueberry Protein Oatmeal

2. Oat Yogurt Cups

Oat Yogurt Cups
Oat Yogurt Cups

3.Mini Egg Frittatas

Mini Egg Frittatas
Mini Egg Frittatas

4.Turkish Fried Egg

Turkish Fried Egg
Turkish Fried Egg

5. Cottage Cheese Bowl

Cottage Cheese Bowl
Cottage Cheese Bowl

6.Chocolate Peanut Butter Porridge

Chocolate Peanut Butter Porridge
Chocolate Peanut Butter Porridge

7. Minty Quark Shake

Minty Quark Shake
Minty Quark Shake

8. Shakshuka


9. Crunchy Scrambled Eggs

Crunchy Scrambled Eggs
Crunchy Scrambled Eggs

10. Smoked Salmon Toast

Smoked Salmon Toast
Smoked Salmon Toast

11. Yogurt Parfait

Yogurt Parfait
Yogurt Parfait

12. Poached Eggs on Sourdough

Poached Eggs on Sourdough
Poached Eggs on Sourdough

13. Crustless Mini Quiches

Crustless Mini Quiches
Crustless Mini Quiches

14. Collagen Shake

Collagen Shake
Collagen Shake

15. Amped-Up Avocado Toast

Amped-Up Avocado Toast
Amped-Up Avocado Toast

16. Protein Pancakes

Protein Pancakes
Protein Pancakes

17. Protein Breakfast Sandwich

Protein Breakfast Sandwich
Protein Breakfast Sandwich

18. Eggs-n-Greens


19. Omelette


20. Tofu Scramble

Tofu Scramble
Tofu Scramble

21. Almond Butter Crackers

Almond Butter Crackers
Almond Butter Crackers

22. Vanilla Almond Chia Pudding

Vanilla Almond Chia Pudding
Vanilla Almond Chia Pudding

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